Goals - Sark Labs

As a child, you might have tried to burn the piece of paper by using a magnifying glass. When rays of the sun get focused on one point, it ignites the fire. Note that if the glass is too far or too close to the piece of paper, the sun rays may not get focused, and nothing happens.

Focus & Concentration

This experiment describes the power of concentration, and it plays an important role in human life. Focus is a skill that enables people to fix their attention on a specific activity or thought while excluding all the distractions around.

When a person tries to concentrate, they are likely to conserve energies without dissipating them on some irrelevant things. This is the main reason why developing concentrations is important for a person who is determined to become more efficient in life. This skill is essential for children as it can help them to excel in their academic life. When your efforts get streamlined and focused, it gets easier to accomplish great objectives. 

Students or parents that are looking for some trustworthy tips on how to concentrate on studies for long hours may find this article more useful. Here we are going to talk about some of the best tips and tricks to achieve enhanced concentration on studies. However, before highlighting those ideas, let us develop a clear understanding of the power of concentration and its incredible benefits for student life. 

The Power of Concentration

Focus - Sark Labs

Concentration – Sark Labs

Concentration can be better defined as focused attention, and it is a very powerful characteristic of the human brain. It assists in studying with faster comprehension, enhanced memory ability and can also enable you to deter some irrelevant and meaningless thoughts. People that have better concentration are able to achieve goals more efficiently. 

Power of Concentration

Power of Concentration – Sark Labs

Experts consider concentration as one of the most powerful tools for utilizing the law of attraction and creative visualization. It can further help a person to develop incredible psychic powers. If you have strong concentration, it may help you manage day-to-day tasks with ease. Reports reveal that this ability support people to do meditation that can further help to achieve enhanced mental mastery and improved peace of mind. Without proper focus, the mind can restlessly jump from one imagination to another, and you will not be able to meditate effectively. 

Some of you might be interested to know the benefits of developing better concentration. Well, below we have listed a few of them to boost your knowledge base:

  • Ability to control your thoughts and imaginations. 
  • Enhanced ability to focus your mind on one specific task.
  • More peace of mind.
  • Freedom from annoying or futile thoughts that may otherwise drain your energy.
  • Ability to make a selection for the thoughts that should sustain in your mind.
  • Improved memory and better self-confidence.
  • Inner strength, happiness, and willpower.
  • Decisiveness and ability to comprehend faster. 
  • Efficient and powerful use of the law of attraction and creative visualization.
  • More successful and deeper meditation. 

Now you must have understood the power of concentration. It is important to understand the best ways to improve this power by following some trustworthy procedures and techniques. Spare some time to go through the article below, and soon you will be able to find the most efficient ways to achieve desired outcomes.

Tips to Enjoy Enhanced Concentration on Studies

Maintaining momentum and focus to study for longer hours is a tough task for many. No matter whether you are a secondary school student or are preparing for some entrance exams after your graduation, you may need to avoid distractions to ensure a faster learning experience. The key to achieving your goal is to maintain higher concentration levels while studying. 

We understand that this task is not easy at all, but it is not impossible as well. If you follow some trusted techniques to get rid of all the unwanted thoughts while studying, it will be possible to achieve your dream soon. 

Below we have listed a few trusted tools and techniques from experts to help you understand how to concentrate on studies for better outcomes. Once you start following them seriously in your life, you will be able to feel motivated to study more and can observe more progress with ease. Although you may not be able to adapt all these methods, it is better to go ahead with those that fit best with your learning style and preferences.

Develop a favourable study environment

Study Environment - Sark Labs

Study Environment – Sark Labs

The first step to success in your studying journey starts with an organized and favorable study environment. Human beings are influenced by habits; in order to stay in routine and maintain a strong concentration, you may need particular study space. 

While setting up your study space at home, make sure that you do not locate it in the corner associated with relaxing. Although it is difficult for students at home or university hostel accommodation to set up a dedicated room for study, you can create a small, open section to sit and study with full focus. Some of you may even feel comfortable at a shared family desk or dining table. 

Those who have a separate space for study on their premises are advised to create some quiet and distraction-free arrangements. If you find some noises around, you can use noise-canceling earplugs or maybe headphones to concentrate. 

The study space is generally desired to have some comfortable arrangement with clear surfaces and space to hold textbooks, notebooks, coffee mugs, laptops, pencils, pens, and anything else that may be needed during study hours. While finalizing your study location, also make sure that you have desired furniture to sit comfortably in a good posture. Other than this, the availability of an uninterrupted power supply is also necessary if you use a laptop or computer for study. 


Set clear and precise goals

Goals - Sark Labs

Goals – Sark Labs

The best motivation for maintaining enhanced focus while studying is to identify your goals. When you understand why you want to study, you can stay more focused to achieve that objective. It should not be like I want to perform well in my exams. Rather, you should target certain grade points. If you are preparing for a certain entrance exam, it is good to plan about a specific university and then set your goals as per the merit list required for that university. 

No matter what type of goals you want to chase, it is good to write them down and keep that list visible in your study area or workspace. When you see them regularly, they will keep you motivated about your goals. As a result, you will be able to prevent your concentration from slipping during study hours. 


Create a well-organized study schedule

Organized Schedule - Sark Labs

Organized Study Schedule – Sark Labs

Many students fail to set up a study schedule, and it leads to a wastage of time and effort. The most important component for maintaining focus on studies and achieving the desired performance is to implement an effective study schedule. A specific routine will help you stay focused and organized with your study. 

Organized Study Schedule

Organized Study Schedule – Sark Labs

You might have observed that the specific timetable at school helps students to progress towards their goals with ease. The well-established routines lead to a sense of accomplishment by the end of the day. Busy schedules and set timelines motivate students to stay committed to their work. Experts advise to color code every topic/subject in your timetable as those highlights will help you stay organized very well. 

While setting up your timetable, you have to take care of several factors. First of all, it should be influenced by your goals. If you are preparing for exams, you may need to set a specific deadline based on that. Those deadlines will help you to stay focused on your work. However, it doesn’t mean that you should keep studying all the time. It is equally important to add some free time to your routines so that you can have a healthy work-life balance. Allow yourself to relax and recharge from time to time by doing some activities that you like.  


Share your study schedule for family and friends

Share with People - Sark Labs

Share with People – Sark Labs

As soon as you have developed a study schedule and a ritual to study, you will be able to stay in the zone. But it is equally important to share the details with your family members and friends. This is important to stop them from distracting you during study hours. 

Share with Family & Friends

Share with Family & Friends – Sark Labs

If you are spending time studying at home, your schedule must be pasted on the bedroom or study room door. In this way, your family will stay aware of when they should leave you alone or when they should not enter your room. You can also follow this trick if you are living at a university hostel so that your friends do not pop for a chat at the wrong time. 

Those who are linked to their friends via a WhatsApp group are advised to share a screenshot of the study timetable over a group or via direct chat. You can even try to sync your timetable with your close friends so that you get free time to chat with each other. In this way, you will be able to stay focused without even missing the fun time with your friends. Also, when you make a pre-commitment with your loved ones, you are likely to stay more focused towards study during your schedule. 


Get rid of all possible distractions

Distractions - Sark Labs

Distractions – Sark Labs

Here comes another obvious point to maintaining high concentration during study hours. You cannot make progress when you are surrounded by lots of distractions. Scientific evidence state that the human brain takes around 23 minutes to refocus on work after an interruption. Most people try to pick up their phone immediately when the screen flash, or they check emails time and again. Social media apps and other phone updates can hamper your productivity by a considerable level. 

Experts advise using site blockers, or you can turn off notifications during your study hours. The best idea is to keep your gadgets completely away during your study routine so that you can avoid all those distractions with ease. 

Research studies reveal that when we receive a notification from social media websites, our brain immediately releases the dopamine hormone to make us feel happy. Note that the dopamine chemical is linked with the things that make us feel happy such as exercise, food, gaming, and social media updates. Therefore, it is important to find ways to get rid of all these feel-good distractions during your study hours so that you can maintain enhanced focus during work or study hours. It is also the most effective way to avoid addiction to electronic gadgets. 

Although it is difficult to eliminate all the distractions in one go, you need to make efforts to create a comfortable and positive study environment for yourself. It is possible only if you keep a healthy track of everything and schedule things well in your day-to-day life. 


Follow Pomodoro technique

Time watch - Sark Labs

Time watch – Sark Labs

Several experts recommend using the Pomodoro technique to improve concentration and focus during work or study sessions. The process is very simple: you have to select one task to do and set a timer for it. Work until the timer rings, and then take a short break to refresh your mind. You can start with a 25-minute timer and take five minutes off. Repeat this scenario until the task gets completed. 

Studies reveal that short breaks give us the ability to concentrate more on work as your brain gets enough time to revive and refocus. The Pomodoro technique is effective enough to help people achieve better focus during study or work hours. 

You will be happy to hear that the Pomodoro technique does not just help you stay motivated during study hours, but it can also build awareness about time while helping you make the best use of your schedule. You can estimate your performance based on the stints and the total hours you devoted to studying. 

It is also good to analyze your routine by observing how much time you take to complete one topic. One can also compare the method with some other competitive techniques to observe how much improvement you are having with the Pomodoro technique. But in order to succeed with the Pomodoro technique, you have to work with dedication in the allotted time, without any interruption. It means not checking your social media updates, replying to emails, and not even getting up from your desk to take a glass of water. 

Keep a record of all accomplished tasks

Record tasks - Sark Labs

Record tasks – Sark Labs

One more effective way to boost your concentration while studying is to regularly remind yourself about how much work you have completed. Maybe you have to complete ten chapters of a subject while studying for exams; it is good to keep track of how much you have studied and how much is left. When you are able to record everything, you can monitor your progress and can also make relevant changes to the routine to enhance your performance. It can lead to a sense of accomplishment while helping you enjoy the flow. 

There are two main reasons to track your accomplishments: firstly, they make it easier to track how close you have come to your objective with your set study schedule, and secondly, seeing your growth journey can boost your morale by a considerable level while keeping you motivated to do better in future as well. 

Although studying itself is a major activity and you may not find it easy to measure the growth. But it is good to keep track of tasks that you have completed, maybe in terms of topics studied or chapters studied. This is a reliable solution to achieve long-term goals.  


Do not underestimate the power of exercises

Physical Exercise - Sark Labs

Physical Exercise – Sark Labs

How can we forget to talk about the power of exercise? No matter to which age group you belong, health is the first priority in life. It is not just about physical well-being; rather, one has to be careful about mental health as well. When you want your brain to stay focused on your study, it is important to include exercises in your daily routine. 

Research studies show that regular exercises can help your body to achieve an enhanced ability to retain information. They result in improved blood flow towards the brain so that you can automatically enjoy enhanced concentration for the next three-four hours. Those who spare time to exercise regularly are also able to enjoy better sleep and mood as well. The reduced symptoms of anxiety and stress can further leave a positive impact on your cognitive function and brain health. 

The best recommendation is to begin with a walk before sitting at your study desk. It helps to regulate blood flow towards your brain so that you can stay focused on your work. Other than this, you can also practice some aerobic exercises to improve your physical health. Yoga is another impressive alternative to improve your mental health. Experts recommend pilates and other weight training exercises to strengthen your muscles and core. 


Review your studying technique


Review your studying technique - Sark Labs

Review your studying technique – Sark Labs

While tracking your routine progress, you may also need to review the study methods. It is important to understand whether your current schedule is fruitful or not. While going through your study progress and goals, you should also spare time to monitor the effectiveness of the used tools and techniques that you are using. The great news is that in this tech-inspired world, you can easily find several trusted methods to track your progress and workflow. The efforts towards review can further help you stay motivated and focused on your objectives. 

Review your studying technique - Sark Labs

Review your studying technique – Sark Labs

Take five minutes by the end of every week to review your study habits, progress, and routines to identify the patterns and optimize areas that need improvement. Many students also consider SWOT analysis to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their study schedule. It helps them eliminate hurdles in the process while finding effective solutions to enhance performance. It will also help you identify the areas for improvement while helping you stay more focused on your goals. 


Learn to reward yourself

Reward Yourself - Sark Labs

Reward Yourself – Sark Labs

Rewards are a great tool for boosting morale and staying focused on work. When you offer yourself regular rewards, you will be able to maintain concentration for extended hours with ease. Scientific studies suggest that the human brain works well with the system of reward and punishment. When you want certain behavior to continue because it is leading to desired outcomes, you may need to reward yourself from time to time. This process is known as positive reinforcement, and it can help you meet your goals with ease.

When you know that you will receive a reward for performing well, you would like to study more, and this motivation will automatically bring out incredible results. Choose a reward that resonates with your preferences, such as watching your favorite show on the weekend or going out for a movie after completing a set number of chapters. 

Rewards can be of two types: internal rewards and external rewards. The internal rewards are related to a particular emotion or state of mind that you may achieve after completing certain work. On the other side, external rewards are experiences or things that you will present to yourself on achieving an objective. It can be a nice coffee break or a short outing with a friend. 

Now you have gone through the tips and tricks to boost your concentration while studying. This information can help you to achieve desired progress with your study schedules. Some of you may like to study alone; however, others prefer group studies. In all cases, you have to stay focused, dedicated, and motivated to achieve your short-term and long-term goals. Although you may not be able to observe returns in a day or two, but consistent practice will ensure desired outcomes soon. 

About the author : Rajneesh Barapatre

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